Drop Off
We request you try to time arrival to be between 7:30 - 7:45 am. Even ten minutes can be a long time for some children to wait. Students who eat breakfast at school can arrive at 7:25 and must remain in the cafeteria until school starts.
WALKERS / CAR RIDERS: ALL students coming from the front side of the school, whether by car or on foot, will enter the school through the Front Door.
BIKE / SCOOTER: If your child rides a bike/scooter or walks to school coming from the playground side of the school, they will enter the school through the lobby door by the garden.
BUS or DAYCARE VAN will be dropped off at the front of the school and guided to the Front door.
CAR RIDER STUDENTS: If you are DRIVING your child to school you will slowly enter the parking lot and get into the car line. Students need to exit your vehicle from the PASSENGER SIDE onto the sidewalk in front of the school (near the office). There will be school staff in bright yellow vests to open doors and greet children. Please stay in your vehicle and do all of your hugs and kisses before getting in the car (we try to keep the line moving so it doesn’t back up onto 174th Ave)
Waiting For Teachers:
KINDERGARTEN will come in the main doors and walk to Room A102. They will be walked to their classroom at 7:45am.
1st through 5th grade students will walk through the front door to the GYM. Their teachers will pick them up at 7:45 am.
For safety reasons, we have limited points-of-entry inside our school in the morning. All adults must check in at the office and get a visitor badge prior to being allowed inside the school. All volunteers must be background checked.
Pick Up
WALKING/BIKING to PICK UP your child, you will meet them outside their classroom door. Children who walk or bike home with a family member will exit through the exterior classroom doors. Children that have permission from a parent/guardian may walk or bike home alone. We ask that you wait until the teacher opens the door. Please remember they are trying to maximize the instruction teaching time they have with students.
BUS RIDERS/DAYCARE VANS: Staff will escort young students to the bus and daycare vans. Older students walk through the school to the designated exit door and then go directly to the bus or van.
- Kindergarten pick up is in the FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. Your children will be escorted by an adult to the pick up location and they will be assisted into your vehicle in the back seat on the PASSENGER SIDE. Young children should not ride in the front seat.
- Grades 1 and 2 will be picked up outside the far corner of the building near the parking lot exit. You will see staff members there to assist. Always look for the yellow vests! :)
- Grades 3, 4, and 5 are picked up near the Flag Pole. Stay on the FAR RIGHT SIDE and make the BIG LOOP in the parking lot and you will see a staff member, guiding students and cars in the designated location.